November 2024
Thanet Volunteering Opportunities
Dolly Mixtures Community Baby & Toddler Group are looking for volunteers to help set up, pack up and facilitate the group, which runs at Sugar Rush in Ramsgate High Street on Friday mornings, 9am to 12 noon. Help with stories, rhymes, craft activities and with song and dance time, as well as chatting with parents and children. To find out more contact Sugar Rush Ramsgate on Facebook or Insta or email
Friends of St Peters’ Churchyard are looking for a volunteer gardener for one to four hours per month. No experience is required, just a desire to be outdoors and gain pleasure from helping the environment, self-satisfaction and friendship, building self-esteem. Contact Lorraine Reese, Secretary, on email or call 07555 396134
Volunteer with Kent Family Hubs to help children and young people get the best possible start in life. Give your time and change a family’s life. With only a few spare hours, you could help children and young people build resilience, get trained while doing something you love and fit it all in around your own schedule. Volunteer roles include Family Coach, Peer-to-Peer Volunteer and Youth Peer Mentors (a great volunteering opportunity for younger people). Find out more on the roles and apply here
Ramsgate Lumiere. Volunteer stewards are needed to help make Ramsgate shine! With the kick-off to the ‘six weeks of lighting up Ramsgate’ starting on Sunday 24 November, help steward the lantern parade as part of the Great British Carnival, or help steward to the wonderful light, music and projection shop at St George’s Church after the parade, or help out at Santa’s Grotto for the day at Sugar Rush in the High Street. This wonderful event cannot take place without the willingness of local volunteers. Contact or Volunteer Connector, Selena, on 07564 049315 for more details.
Folkestone and Hythe Opportunities
Shapeshifter Productions is a performing arts charity looking for passionate, experienced and committed volunteers. Could you use your social media and communications experience to raise the profile of our small, but successful, charity? Help us to increase presence and engagement, generate interesting content and also help promote and assist us to engage communities in group, musical activities that enhance confidence and self-esteem while reducing isolation. Our participatory singing project for vulnerable, older people, The Smiling Sessions, is delivered into care homes and sheltered housing in deprived areas of London, Kent and East Sussex. Contact Violaine on email or call 02070971409
Folkestone College is seeking a gardening/landscaping volunteer to help with planting, digging and rubbish clearing to assist in the creation of a Music Corner. Moving pallets and creating a pathway is also needed as part of this project, so the volunteer would need to be able to lift and move heavy items. An enhanced DBS check will be undertaken for this role as it involves working with vulnerable adults. Contact Michelle Elks, Head of Inclusive Learning to find out more.
Dover District Opportunities
Froglets is a popular stay and play parent and toddler group that runs during term time at St Richards Church, Mill Hill, Deal. It is volunteer run and the organisers are currently looking for more volunteers to help set up the group (Thursdays 4pm) and to assist in running the group on Friday mornings. Have fun with parents and children, help with crafts and play and tidy up after the session. If you can help please contact Wendy Manion or call on 07411 432541
The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership have sent us their task programme for November. It’s packed full of volunteer events and activities and ways that you can meet new people while helping your local countryside – dip in as and when it suits you! If you would like to find out more about any of the tasks, please contact the Ranger listed and always give them a call beforehand as they will look out for you and let you know of any last minute changes.
Ash Wildlife Friendly Village have been awarded a hedgerow pack from The Woodland Trust and now its time to get planting! They are looking for volunteers to help create a Wildlife Corridor, supporting wildlife and biodiversity in the village. If you can spare some time to help with weeding, preparing the site and planting, please meet them at Pound Corner, The Street at 10am on Sunday 24th November, or find them at Chequer Lane Footpath (E112a). Wear outdoor clothing and footwear and bring any light gardening equipment you have. Contact
All Area Opportunities
Kent Coast Volunteering is looking for volunteer Befrienders for people who may otherwise not have anyone to support them. Your client could be someone who lives alone and is isolated, or they have family who they do not see often. Just to have someone visit for a coffee and a chat, support and encouragement is invaluable. We are also looking for ‘Super Befrienders’ for a new pilot scheme, a volunteer who could take a client shopping, to hospital appointments, activities or just go for a walk – someone who could be that extra support for someone who needs it. Find out more details here and contact Sarah Murnane on or you can pop into the office in Park Street, Deal (adjacent to Age UK).
Sense Virtual Buddying volunteers make a real difference to supporting young people and adults who may be lonely or isolated. Volunteers are matched with disabled people to meet for an hour a week on Zoom or by phone – learning new skills, having fun, and forming fantastic friendships. You will be matched with someone who has similar interests, to make sure you have a great time. You and your buddy choose a time that suits you, and decide what activities you’d like to do together. Volunteers provide opportunities for people with complex disabilities to communicate and experience the world. Find out more here or email
Kent Coast Volunteering also runs the Community Transport Service across Thanet, Dover, Folkestone & Hythe districts, and we are urgently looking for more drivers to join our team. Did you know that you can do voluntary work, including driving, if you have a mobility car? Well, you can! What a great way to do something enjoyable and help your local community at the same time. Contact Jess and the team at Mileage is paid and full training and support is provided.