May 2024

Thanet Volunteering Opportunities

Margate Caves are looking for a Cave Guide Volunteer. The role involves meeting and greeting visitors providing a warm and friendly welcome conveying the story of the Caves by actively engaging with visitors, answering their questions, telling stories about the caves’ history, and pointing out special features. Training will be given. Contact Ann Rayment, Thanet Heritage Volunteer Project  Manager by email on  or call 01843 838149 for further details.
(Please note that this role includes time underground in the caves).

RNLI Thanet are seeking a Fundraising Branch Chairperson to lead, guide and motivate group members to deliver vital fundraising activity. As the key contact for the group, this volunteer will work with the Community Manager towards fundraising targets and development of the group overall and also encouraging and welcoming new members and supporters into the RNLI, plus more! Further details are here.

For Us Too is all about ensuring disabled children and their families have the same opportunities in life as others. Set up in 2010 by a group of local parents and carers, they aim to  improve the lives of disabled children, young people and their families across East Kent. They are looking for trustees, which is a great opportunity to work with a local charity, while gaining experience of strategic planning, governance and financial management in the voluntary sector. Contact Anna, head of charity on email or call 07519 716186 for more details.

Folkestone and Hythe Opportunities

Hythe Environmental Community Group invite you to come along to the events and activities that they arrange, but why not volunteer to help them make it all happen! There are many ways to get involved.
•    Come Litter Picking – Have a sociable meander around Hythe picking littler as you go.
•    Come Gleaning – Have a sociable day picking fruit/veg and bringing it back to our local foodbanks.
•    Help at their Electrical Recycling Drop Off Point – Work with others on a Saturday at 101 High Street, Hythe receiving unwanted electrical equipment from local residents and transferring it to containers for collection and recycling.
•    Help run Apple Pressing Events.
•    Help run the Facebook Page and/or website.
•    Help with administration and running of any of the group’s activities.
No pressure, you can just dip in and out to suit your availability and interest. For more details drop a note by email to

RSPB Dungeness invite you to come along and join in at their Summer Open Day. Free entry for all visitors on this day but donations towards conservation work is always very welcome. There is no need to book as all the activities will be free to participate in too. We will be putting on lots of activities for all to enjoy, running at various times throughout the day between 10am and 4pm, with the main gate to the reserve closing at 5pm.

In partnership with us at Kent Coast Volunteering, they will also be celebrating Volunteer’s Week which is the 3rd – 9th June (first Monday in June). They will be showcasing all their volunteer opportunities during this event including: Survey volunteers, Practical Reserve volunteers, Visitor Experience volunteers, Welcome volunteers, Retail volunteers, Trail volunteers, and more! At the RSPB, over 12,000 people volunteer to take action and save nature. By collaborating with them they are able to make a bigger, better impact for nature and the environment. For more details on our available volunteer roles click here.

Dover District Opportunities

The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership has a new task programme for May. It’s packed full of volunteer events and activities – dip in as and when it suits you!
PLEASE NOTE, there is one typed error in this month’s programme. The task stated to be taking place at Spinney Woods on the 27th May will actually be on Monday 20th May, the meeting place and time will remain the same. Please call the task leader if you have any questions.

Teenage Volunteers needed! Pegasus Playscheme operate a 3-week summer playscheme, offering activities for children with disabilities and severe learning difficulties where each child is supported by a local able-bodied teenager. They are looking for young volunteers aged 14+ to work one-to-one with a child attending the playscheme. It’s a chance to gain experience in building effective relationships, understand sensitive issues and support individuals, giving valuable time and gaining skills that will stay with them for life. 

Chit Chat Community Coffee Shop runs from River Methodist Church in Lewisham Road, Dover. It is run by the community, for the community, with ethically sourced food and drink and their main aim is to make everyone feel welcome. Volunteers are needed to help in several roles, always ensuring a warm welcome is given to all. Please complete the expression of interest form, contact Karen Blanch or call 07880499504. These roles are open to people of all faiths, or none.

All Area Opportunities

Dogs Trust Freedom are looking for foster carers for dogs to help those needing to escape from domestic abuse. By looking after a dog in your home, you can support a family on their journey to freedom. Fostering has all the benefits of owning a dog, without the expense or long-term commitment. Placements can last around 6 to 9 months and Dogs Trust covers all food, expenses and veterinary bills plus they provide all the equipment your foster dog will need during their time with you. Contact Louise Gostling Freedom Regional Manager or call 0800 298 9199

Diabetes – Can you help?  Join Diabetes UK in Thanet as they campaign to raise awareness of diabetes and support those living with the condition. This discovery day is to give people in the community a chance to come and talk to them about the volunteering opportunities they have at Diabetes UK, in order to help with their mission of raising awareness of diabetes and for those living with the condition to get better care. If you are interested in their volunteer roles and would like to find out more, or have a bit of  taster, they will be at Westwood Cross shopping centre at the Community Hub on Wednesday 22nd May between 11am and 3pm.

South Kent Mind is looking for a group of keen volunteer Ambassadors to cover stands at events, to fundraise at events and in supermarkets and to generally help out with getting their name out into as much of the South Kent community as possible. South Kent Mind has other volunteer opportunities too. To register your interest, please complete the application form here.

Volunteer Drivers make a difference! We are expanding our team of volunteer drivers and would love to hear from you. Mileage paid, full training and support provided.

Kent Coast Volunteering