December 2023
Thanet Volunteering Opportunities
Porchlight are keen to hear from any Cooks, Meeters & Greeters or Accommodation Support Volunteers for their Thanet hub. Volunteer roles also available at other Porchlight hubs.
Join the Friends of Montefiore Woodland and their team of Conservation Workers. Meet on the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 12noon to help maintain the woodland and wildflower meadow.
Volunteer School Historian to work on a project for Bradstow School, Broadstairs. May suit Duke of Edinburgh award candidate (silver +) or as a side project for an amateur historian.
Thanet Heritage Project have tour guide opportunities at Margate Caves, Dickens House and Margate Museum. Cafe Assistant opportunity also available at the Margate Caves Community Cafe.
Dover District Opportunities
The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership has a new task programme for December. It’s packed full of volunteer events and activities – dip in as an when it suits you!
Be part of the Warm Welcome in Deal – As the cold months arrive, Deal will again be providing warm spaces for people to meet, chat and keep warm:
The Golf Road Centre Warm Welcome runs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3pm – 6pm each week, (except the Christmas and New Year week). Volunteers are needed to help run the sessions and/or chat to visitors and maybe play card games or board games.
Please contact Pam on email:
The Warm Welcome at Trinity Church will run each Tuesday, starting Tuesday on 5th December and finishing Tuesday 2nd April 2024.
Volunteers will need to arrive at 1.30pm to welcome any guests who are using the warm space after the lunch finishes. The session finishes at 3pm.
Volunteers are asked to help:
- Welcome Guests to the warm space.
- Serve tea, coffee and biscuits as required
- Talk to guests and interact with them as appropriate, and as you feel able (note: we are not required to entertain guests!)
- If asked, provide contact information on other local services (food bank etc.) Information will be provided to you.
- Fill out a simple log of the number of guests who come along.
- Tidy the space as the session ends.
Please contact Colin on 07866750761
All Area Opportunities
NHS and social care organisations in East Kent have launched the Volunteer to Career (VtC) programme. The aim is to recruit volunteers, support them develop skills, provide mentorship and careers support with a view the candidates progressing into employment and/or training.
Opportunities are available in East Kent. To find out more or register, click here
Volunteer from home sewing re-usable sanitary pads for the Pachamama Project. Patterns and instructions provided, fabric supplied on request
Volunteer Drivers make a difference! We are expanding our team of volunteer drivers and would love to hear from you. Mileage paid, full training and support provided.
Service Delivery Volunteers needed at Kent and Medway Victim Support. Working alongside staff teams, Service Delivery Volunteers provide support to victims of crime, helping them to move beyond crime via emotional and practical support both face to face and over the phone.