April 2024

Thanet Volunteering Opportunities

Windmill Community Gardens, Margate are always on the lookout for new volunteers. They currently have the following roles to fill:
GARDEN HELPER: Do you have some gardening or horticulture knowledge? Can you help guide participants in gardening tasks?
MARKET GARDEN HELPER: Would you like to learn about chemical free food growing, would you like to help our team with our weekly veg bag by sowing, planting and harvesting.
FAMILY GROUP HELPER: Are you someone who can engage children and families in diverse and interesting seasonal activities
Other roles are available too. Fill out the form or contact them and go along for a friendly chat and taster session.

The Spitfire and Hurricane Museum, Manston Road, Ramsgate have opportunities not to be missed! They are looking for front of house, gardening and simulator volunteers (training will be given). This is a great opportunity to spend time around iconic WW2 aircraft and ancillary artefacts and to meet likeminded people. A knowledge of WW2 is useful, but not essential. 
Contact Robert Westbrook manager@spitfiremuseum.org.uk or call 01843 821940 for more details.

Diabetes – Can you help?  
Join Diabetes UK in Thanet as they campaign to raise awareness of diabetes and support those living with the condition.
They are looking for Events Volunteers who can give a few hours to man stalls, give out leaflets and help with logistics. No experience required, training provided. Volunteers should be confident speaking to people and have a ‘can do’ attitude. If you are interested in their volunteer roles and would like to find out more, or have a bit of  taster, they will be at Westwood Cross shopping centre at the Community Hub on Wednesday 22nd May between 11am and 3pm.

National Coastwatch Institution (NCI), Ramsgate have a fantastic, varied and important volunteering opportunity as a Watchkeeper Officer (full training given) which includes observation tasks and attending events. Contact Joan on 07803 168796 or email joan.waterman@nci.org.uk

Medaille Trust supports and empowers survivors of modern slavery, trafficking and exploitation. They are looking for a Cooking and Nutrition Volunteer and a Gardening Assistant Volunteer in Thanet. Contact Katie Moreton volunteering@medaille-trust.org.uk for more details.

Folkestone and Hythe Opportunities

MHA is the largest charity care provider for older people in the UK. Their mission is to inspire the best care and wellbeing at every stage of later life. MHA are looking for a Musical Volunteer to facilitate a sing-a-long once a month in Grace Court, Folkestone, someone who has a love of music and enjoys the company of older people and also an Arts & Crafts Volunteer who can facilitate arts and craft sessions with residents and visitors.

Dover District Opportunities

The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership has a new task programme for April.  It’s packed full of volunteer events and activities – dip in as and when it suits you!

Throw some coloured powder to help a great cause! This fun volunteer opportunity is to help at the Red Eagle Foundation charity event at Betteshanger Park, Deal on 21st April, 9.15am – 12.30pm (approximately). As well as Colour Powder Throwers – 4-8 people to throw coloured powder over race runners – (great fun and you will get covered in powder, resulting in great photos.. we are told!) Marshalls are also needed to supervise people on the assault course and help people who need assistance. Contact dominic@redeaglefoundation.org

Heritage Open Days is England’s biggest heritage festival. It celebrates our fantastic history, architecture and culture; offering people the chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences. This year’s events in Deal and Walmer will take place over two weekends in September – 7th and 8th and 14th and 15th.

On these weekends they will require a few stewards to welcome visitors and mange any queues. They ask you to commit to half a day to the role and in return you get a privileged view of the event. An interest in history is important, but you do not need any historical knowledge, the most important skill is in welcoming people.

If you would like to find out more, please visit www.dealheritage.org.uk/heritage-open-days/help-us/ or contact info@dealheritage.org.uk.

Slow the Mind is a community interest company that supports mental health and welfare. Initially targeted at men, and more specifically within the construction industry, we intend to visit construction sites and provide safe locations to talk away from the sites. We need help with admin and social media in the first instance. If you can help they would we’d love to have a chat with you. Contact Simon Pollard on 07970 414784 or email simon@simplelifeltd.co.uk 

All Area Opportunities

Guide Dogs are looking for Puppy Raisers to prove a puppy with a vital foundation for its future role as a guide dog. This is a full-time volunteering opportunity as a puppy will live with you in your home for around 12-16 months. Contact Sarah on 07900 705095 or email Volunteer.maidstone@guidedogs.org.uk

Sense are recruiting volunteers for their Virtual Buddying role. You can make a real difference by supporting young people and adults who may be lonely or isolated. Sense matches volunteers with disabled people to meet for an hour a week on Zoom, over the phone, by email, texting or letter writing. Find out more and apply here.

GamCare are looking for Online Peer Supporters to provide one-to-one and group support to both individuals who gamble and those affected by someone else’s gambling. For any volunteering roles with GamCare, they ask that you have personal lived experience of gambling-related harm, which can include being affected by someone else’s gambling (friend or family member). Contact nathan.thompson@gamcare.org.uk to learn more.

Volunteer Drivers make a difference! We are expanding our team of volunteer drivers and would love to hear from you. Mileage paid, full training and support provided.

Kent Coast Volunteering