Trustees’ Week

Trustees’ Week is a chance for the sector to come together and mark the amazing achievements of the nearly 1 million volunteer trustees who run charities in England and Wales. To support Trustees’ Week, a menu of online webinars are available. Find out more here:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our trustees for their expertise and dedication. Meet them here:
We want to share with you more about our trustee Anouska Ladds, so we asked her a few questions about her role with us:
What inspired you to become a Trustee at KCV / how did you get involved?
I was really keen to give back to the community, and support a charity that has a really worthy cause. I was also very keen to work with a locally based charity in Kent. I came to become a Trustee through our Board Lead programme at Mastercard. I had discussions with the team and I felt it would be a perfect match for my skills plus where KCV were looking for a Trustee’s support.
How much commitment does your role require?
I join the regular board meetings, plus any ad-hoc discussions needed.
What do you get out of your role as Trustee?
First and foremost, for me, this is about helping a charity move its agenda forward. KCV has some fantastic ambitions and I was hopeful, when speaking to the team, that I could be a part of that. I really enjoy the connections from others in different industries, alongside supporting differing problems and opportunities vs working in a large corporate. I also really enjoy working with a passionate and motivated set of people.
What skills do you bring to your role?
Well I hope I bring a different outlook and approach on areas to solve. Leading a charity isn’t an easy job, and I hope I can bring some motivation and support where needed
What would you say to anyone interested in becoming a Trustee?
Do it! It is such a rewarding opportunity. Not only are you supporting fantastic causes, you are also challenging yourself to think differently and creatively.