Saying ‘Thank You’ to our Volunteers

This week it is Volunteers’ Week and we are saying a HUGE thank you to all of our volunteers who are at the heart of Kent Coast Volunteering.
For Volunteers’ Week, we presented three of our volunteers with hotel breaks as part of Room to Reward. Room to Reward (R2R) is a unique volunteer recognition charity created to say “thank you” to Hidden Heroes – inspirational volunteers who make a difference where it’s needed most. R2R breaks consist of 1-2 nights bed and breakfast on a complimentary basis for the volunteer and a guest.

Duane Poppe, Digital Champion, receiving his reward from our CEO Kerry Smith
The first presentation we made was to Duane Poppe who volunteers as a Digital Champion at Folkestone Nepalese Community Centre where he teaches Nepalese Elders digital skills to access services, reducing social isolation. Duane delivers weekly 3hr sessions and attends monthly meetings of Champions, sharing insights and learnings. He selflessly volunteered throughout the pandemic when digital inclusion was even more vital.
Our second award was given to husband and wife Sheila and Terry Doyle who have been volunteer drivers for our Community Transport Service for 16 and 12 years respectively. In 2019, pre Covid, they made 690 trips, gave 980 hours and clocked up 12,187 miles! Throughout the pandemic both continued to drive vulnerable transport members to urgent medical appointments, putting the welfare of others before their own.

Terry & Sheila Doyle, Volunteer Drivers, with our CEO Kerry Smi
Sheila and Terry so often go that extra mile, cancelling personal plans so that they can help others to medical and health appointments 7 days a week. On Christmas Days before the pandemic, they would even hold Christmas celebrations in their own home for members who would otherwise be alone, picking them up, providing some Christmas cheer and then taking them home again.
Enjoy your much deserved breaks Duane, Sheila and Terry – we look forward to hearing all about them!