Happy Volunteers’ Week!

We recognise and want to celebrate the contribution of volunteers to society so here are our staff and trustees saying “THANK YOU” with flowers!
National Council for Voluntary Organisations said: “During an exceptionally difficult year, people from all walks of life around the UK have taken the time to volunteer and made a huge difference to people and their communities – just as they do every year:
- Nearly four in ten (38%) people volunteer with a group, club or organisation at least once a year – that’s over 20 million people
- More than one in five (22%) people formally volunteer at least once a month – that’s 11.9 million people
- More than half the UK population informally volunteer at least once a year giving unpaid help to someone who is not a relative
- 750,000 people registered as NHS Volunteer Responders to support people during the covid19 pandemic – ten-times the number of 2012 Olympic/Paralympic Games Makers”.
If you feel inspired to volunteer, please visit https://kcv.org.uk/for-volunteers/ or contact our Volunteer Connector Mandy at info@kcv.org.uk For more information on Volunteers’ Week, which takes place from 1-7 June every year, see https://volunteersweek.org/