Employer Supported Volunteering with KCV

Kent Coast Volunteering were delighted to support staff from Broadstairs College to volunteer during the College’s recent Community Week.
The Student Services team were keen to volunteer their time and contacted our Thanet Connectors to find out more about local opportunities. We got in touch with local charities to ask if they could use several extra pairs of hands and Monkton Nature Reserve, Powell Cotton Museum and Mama to Mama all welcomed groups during the week.
The volunteers got stuck in to a variety of tasks including sorting and categorising baby clothes, raking and mulching leaves, digging out an old box hedge and moving logs to assist in the construction of a new pathway.
Not even the rainy November weather could dampen their enthusiasm and the feedback from both the volunteers and the host organisations has been fantastic. Our thanks to Broadstairs College Student Services for their enthusiasm and positivity, and also to Mama to Mama, Powell Cotton Museum and Monkton Nature Reserve for welcoming and supporting the teams.
If your organisation is looking for volunteering opportunities or if your charity would like to welcome a group, please contact us for more information.